02 June 2006


It's been a very long dry spell. There have been a few things here and there I haven't been able to find but never at a place where I had access to the blog (read: work).

Now I'm looking for a particular kind of tile for the bathroom. It's
CERAMICA TOLUCA V TILE. My son would prefer black marble and we're both shocked at the low price but it just doesn't work in this house. Maybe if we had a large, classical upscale sort of design. That's not what we've got.

26 October 2005


I can't believe that after such a long dry spell I hit paydirt twice in two days! And this time it was looking for something I really expected to find.

There's this
paper by Brian Mossop that I'm reading to get ready for a conference. It makes reference to some ideas originally discussed by Goffman. Goffman describes the stances of listeners vis à vis speakers. The listener may be the one directly addressed, or indirectly addressed, an accidental overhearer, or an intentional eavesdropper. At least that's what I remember and I haven't read Goffman in a couple of years.

So I check the web for a quick refresher.

Last time I remember looking up "ratified hearer" and getting
lots of hits (you can see why I don't trust my memory). A ratified hearer is one who is directly addressed by a speaker, the intended audience. The other category is "unratified hearer" — no, I do not mean unratified heater.

Now Here's Something I Was Surprised Not to Find

Believe me, I've tried to post. I have looked for the most obscure things over the last two months and found every last one of them. Who knew? And now my son's suit coat comes back from the cleaners with little round holes in the shoulder. 'I know how to fix that,' I think. 'This calls for French invisible reweaving!'

You can already see where this is going, can't you? Unlike
INVISIBLE REWEAVING (which turns up scads of Shroud of Turin references), FRENCH INVISIBLE REWEAVING turns up a paltry 110 links all referring to The Frenway System of French Reweaving by Fabricon, a perennial eBay favorite. I don't want the book. I want to learn how to invisibly reweave or even learn how to do French invisible reweaving.

Not online, baby!

31 August 2005

How Much Does Castro Make?

It was the day before Castro's birthday — pure coincidence; I had no idea — when I began to wonder what he earns. In searching for it I came across this and was convinced to give up.

05 August 2005

I Don't Know If This Counts

This is one of those situations like a ball hitting right on the line; is it in or out?

I'm an interpreter working between English and American Sign Language. Here in Missouri we are both
certified as to our skill level and licensed. In the rules governing certification there are a number of exceptions: Cued Speech, Tadoma, Alphabet Printing, and Amanubet. I know what they all are except Amanubet. I was looking for a description or explanation of it. There's only one reference and that's back to here. So there is Amanubet on the internet, but there's nothing helpful on it.

17 July 2005

Ego Searching: Part 2

As long as I was looking I searched on my family's names. My wife, Melanie, is there, Tracie is down to one listing but poor Jared is nowhere to be found.

08 July 2005

Alter Ego-Surfing

I've done ego-surfing — googling my name and turning up matches for myself and a number of other Ben Karlins (in today's search I don't appear until the 13th match). This time I needed a friend's email address so googled him. Nothing. Of course his name is out there. I just needed to know where to look although I still haven't got an email address. Guess I could call and leave a message on his machine.

22 June 2005

Whistling Dixie

I was, in fact, humming Dixie this morning on my way to work and got to the second verse when it struck me that I had no idea what "INJUN BATTER" is. It turns out, by the way, that this is not the second verse but just one of many, many verses. Before you follow any of the links in this paragraph, let me warn you that there are a lot of .midi files out there. Beware!

Having been raised in the North, I learned the lyric as "INDIAN BATTER", which still gives no clue as to what it is but turns up hundreds of references to cricket and pakora recipes.